Homeostasis Gardens


Holistic Health Massage Therapy


Homeostasis Gardens mission is to empower individuals to cultivate inner peace, holistic well-being, and a deeper connection with themselves through the transformative practice of meditation and prayer. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming and inclusive space where people can embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual awareness, and personal growth. The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) and scalar light therapy combine the body, mind, spirit, and science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization. To learn more, and to start improving your life call 912-321-0147 or sign up online. https://www.homeostasisgardens.com/  we are a Private Membership Association (PMA). Check out our FAQS page to learn more about our PMA.

We are located in Bloomingdale, GA and serve the Greater Savannah, GA area and the surrounding South East Coastal Region.

"The Same Power That Made The Body Heals The Body" Dr. BJ Palmer

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State of the art place to go for deep meditations, relaxation or a quick restful sleep to recharge every cell in your body.

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